A few months ago,Microsoft

2011-05-11 10:43


 HeLu is also a member of the class. Six months ago, participated in a midterm exam, do not wait until the final exam in current period, he left the school. Microsoft Office 2007 is my love!


HeLu because violates the school rules, evening out the Internet being expelled from school.

Before this, he twice for a total Internet caught experience.

HuangXieYing clearly remember the first time when the son FanShi for its director, school there the scene when calls home. Office 2007 is so powerful.


"You children online last night, you go climbing over the fence to school to it." Husband HeZhiJie after receiving a phone call, HuangXieYing notified, along ChengDongXiang from top-list pair clear to area, came to dozens of lily village XinShao kilometers from the shop in town. County Outlook 2010 is powerful.


"We went there after the office, then see inside a row students standing." HuangXieYing director, said there are from closet took a "book" should we sign it. "We were also did not carefully watching content, HeZhiJie note the word." Signed the word, "contracts" are taken back.

"Observe discipline no longer Internet, again will dismissed." HuangXieYing said, this is the Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

"contract" roughly content.

This time, HeZhiJie couples for HeLu made 50 yuan "fine", HeLu be allowed to get back to class.

At the end of September 2007 happened this out, not only the Internet events HeLu one. HeLu impression in at least 13 students were caught out, but also the only three or four individuals, later, Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.

these caught classmate again will also go out the name of a classmate quote out.