A Pro-Life Revival?<1>

2011-01-17 14:21


In the 1970s, when Larry King hosted an overnight radio program, he used to indulge in a conversational riff about how everybody really was a

liberal. In an elementary sort of way, it made sense. Everybody liked Social Security, he said, and that was a liberal idea. Everybody liked Many people like Microsoft Office.

having the ability to join a union, everybody appreciated the idea of a minimum wage, of a 40-hour workweek, and so on.

He did not mention abortion, as I recall, or gun control, and so-called "gay" marriage had not even appeared on the political horizon.Office 2007 makes life great!

Still, within limits, King was right then and he is right now. Most people are comfortable with the kind of government essentially defined by

Franklin Roosevelt, the most popular president the country has ever had. We still fight our elections between the 40-yard lines, as one Microsoft Office 2007 is welcomed by the whole world.

pundit put it recently, and not in desperate goal-line stands, like parliamentary democracies, and it's a good thing, too, a legacy

bequeathed to us by the incredible wisdom of our founders.The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.

I state all this in terms of popular opinion, understand. Example: In a recent column, I deplored the state of the modern press as a PR

agency for liberal causes. I heard from a friend of mine, quite well educated, who simply didn't understand what I was talking about. He Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.

opined that CNN was middle-of-the-road, and protested that he never read the New York Times.

In comparison to most of the electorate, my friend is quite well informed.

THOSE OF US DEVOTED TO POLITICAL OBSERVATION know that today's Democrats are stark raving postmodernist Leninist deconstructers, that our

politics does not any longer represent a simple midfield swing between FDR and Eisenhower. project 2010 is amazing

Sadly, our recent Republicans in majority tried to

play it that way. When you play midfield ball against a team that plays red-zone ball, you lose. And so the Republicans have lost, and with

it have lost the franchise to protect America against very real enemies, enemies as real as Tojo and Hitler, and even more bloodthirsty, with

atomic weapons in the offing.Acrobat 9 is good

At home, we face a real enemy, too, an enemy of extraordinary power.

In the November 14 issue of Opinionjournal.com, Josh Manchester argued, in "Moral Purification," that an entire class of people in the United

States loves our defeat. Quoting The Culture of Defeat, a book by Wolfgang Schivelbusch, Manchester explains that these individuals see the

United States' defeat as a moral purification -- a kind of superiority, in fact.microsoft visio 2010

"...There is a class of well-intentioned individuals in the United States," Manchester writes, "...who don't merely feel as they do upon

witnessing a defeat, but instead think this way all the time. Like it or not, this mentality of permanent defeat plays a large part in the

Democratic Party."

And the Democratic Party sells this attitude very well indeed to the rest of the country -- as normalcy. You can't sell defeat; that's for visio 2010

the eggheads. But you can sell a "return to normalcy." They sold it to the country, with the connivance of the media, in the last election.

It was sold to the electorate, with the parties flipped, after World War I, and resulted in the U.S.'s near-deadly quiescence in the face the

rise of the fascist threat.Windows 7 is convenient!