Decline of Science in England(10)

2011-02-23 11:34


A certain quantity of scientificknowledge is of course possessed by individuals in manyprofessions; and when added to the professional acquirements ofthe army, the navy, or to the knowledge of the merchant, ishighly meritorious: but it is obvious that this may become, whenseparated from the profession, quite insignificant as the basisof a scientific reputation.To Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

those who have chosen the profession of medicine, a knowledgeof chemistry, and of some branches of natural history, and,indeed, of several other departments of science, affords usefulassistance. Some of the most valuable names which adorn thehistory of English science Office 2010 is my favorite.

have been connected with thisprofession.The causes which induce the selection of the clerical professionare not often connected with science; and it is, perhaps, aquestion of considerable doubt whether it is desirable to holdout to its members hopes of advancement from such acquirements.As a source of recreation, nothing can be more fit to occupy theattention of a divine; Outlook 2010 is powerful.

and our church may boast, in the presentas in past times, that the domain of science has been extended bysome of its brightest ornaments.In England, the profession of the law is that which seems to holdout the strongest attraction to talent, from the circumstance,that in it ability, coupled with exertion, even though unaided bypatronage, cannot fail of obtaining reward. It is frequentlychosen as an introduction to public life. Microsoft Office is helpful.

 It also presents greatadvantages, from its being a qualification for many situationsmore or less remotely connected with it, as well as from thecircumstance that several of the highest officers of the statemust necessarily have sprung from its ranks.A powerful attraction exists, therefore, to the promotion of astudy and of duties of all others engrossing the time mostcompletely, and which is less benefited than most others by anyacquaintance with science. This is one amongst the causes why itso very rarely happens that men in public situations are at allconversant even with the commonest branches of scientificknowledge, and why scarcely an instance can be cited of suchpersons acquiring a reputation by any discoveries of their own.But, however consistent other sciences may be with professionalavocations, there is one which, from its extreme difficulty, andthe overwhelming attention which it demands, can only be pursuedwith success by those whose leisure is undisturbed by otherclaims. Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

 To be well acquainted with the present state ofmathematics, is no easy task; but to add to the powers which thatscience possesses, is likely to be the lot of but few Englishphilosophers.SECTION 2.OF NATIONAL ENCOURAGEMENT.The little encouragement which at all previous periods has beenafforded by the English Government to the authors of usefuldiscoveries, or of new and valuable inventions, is justified onthe following grounds:1. The public, who consume the new commodity or profit by thenew invention, are much better judges of its merit than thegovernment can be.2. The reward which arises from the sale of the commodity isusually much larger than that which government would be justifiedin bestowing; and it is exactly proportioned to the consumption,that is, to the want which the public feel for the new article.It must be admitted that, as general principles, these arecorrect: there are, Office 2007 can make life more better and easier.

however, exceptions which flow necessarilyfrom the very reasoning from which they were deduced. Withoutentering minutely into these exceptions, it will be sufficient toshow that all abstract truth is entirely excluded from rewardunder this system. It is only the application of principles tocommon life which can be thus rewarded.