Decline of Science in England(6)

2011-02-23 11:30


What I have done rests on my own head;and I shrink not from the responsibility attaching to it.If those, whose mismanagement of that Society I condemn, shouldaccuse me of hostility to the Royal Society; my answer is, thatthe party which governs it is not the Royal Society; and that Iwill only admit the justice of the accusation, when the wholebody, becoming acquainted with the system I have exposed, shall,by ratifying it with their approbation, appropriate it tothemselves: an event of which I need scarcely add I have not theslightest anticipation.Many people like Microsoft Office.

It cannot have escaped the attention of those, whose acquirementsenable them to judge, and who have had opportunities of examiningthe state of science in other countries, that in England,particularly with respect to the more difficult and abstractsciences, we are much below other nations, not merely of equalrank, but below several even of inferior power. That a country,eminently distinguished for its mechanical and manufacturingingenuity, should be indifferent to the progress of inquirieswhich form the highest departments of that knowledge on whosemore elementary truths its wealth and rank depend, is a factwhich is well deserving the Microsoft Office 2007   is welcomed by the whole world.

attention of those who shall inquireinto the causes that influence the progress of nations.To trace the gradual decline of mathematical, and with it of thehighest departments of physical science, from the days of Newtonto the present, must be left to the historian. It is not withinthe province of one who, having mixed sufficiently withscientific society in England to see and regret the weakness ofsome of its greatest ornaments, and to see through and deplorethe conduct of its pretended friends, offers these remarks, withthe hope that they may excite discussion,--with the Office 2007 makes life great!

convictionthat discussion is the firmest ally of truth,--and with theconfidence that nothing but the full expression of public opinioncan remove the evils that chill the enthusiasm, and cramp theenergies of the science of England.The causes which have produced, and some of the effects whichhave resulted from, the present state of science in England, areso mixed, that it is difficult to distinguish accurately betweenthem. Windows 7 make life wonderful!

I shall, therefore, in this volume, not attempt any minutediscrimination, but rather present the result of my reflectionson the concomitant circumstances which have attended the decay,and at the conclusion of it, shall examine some of thesuggestions which have been offered for the advancement ofBritish science.CHAPTER I.ON THE RECIPROCAL INFLUENCE OF SCIENCE AND EDUCATION.That the state of knowledge in any country will exert a Microsoft Office 2010 is so great!

directiveinfluence on the general system of instruction adopted in it, isa principle too obvious to require investigation. And it isequally certain that the tastes and pursuits of our manhood willbear on them the traces of the earlier impressions of oureducation. It is therefore not unreasonable to suppose that someportion of the neglect of science in England, may be attributedto the system of education we pursue. Office 2007 download is helpful!