Decline of Science in England(9)

2011-02-23 11:33


The ESPRIT DE CORPS frequently overpowers thejealousy which exists between individuals, and pushes on toadvantageous situations some of the more fortunate of theprofession; whilst, on the other hand, any injury or insultoffered to the weakest, is redressed or resented by the wholebody. There are other advantages which are perhaps of moreimportance to the public. The Microsoft Office 2010 is the best software in the world.

numbers which compose the learnedprofessions in England are so considerable, that a kind of publicopinion is generated amongst them, which powerfully tends torepress conduct that is injurious either to the profession or tothe public. Again, the mutual jealousy and rivalry excitedamongst the whole body is so considerable, that although the rankand estimation which an Office 2010 is powerful!

individual holds in the profession may bemost unfairly appreciated, by taking the opinion of his rival;yet few estimations will be found generally more correct than theopinion of a whole profession on the merits of any one of itsbody. 

This test is of great value to the public, and becomes themore so, in proportion to the difficulty of the study to whichthe profession is devoted. It is by availing themselves of itthat men of sense and judgment, who have occasion for theservices of professional persons, are, in a great measure, Buy Office 2007 you can get much convenience.

guidedin their choice.The pursuit of science does not, in England, constitute adistinct profession, as it does in many other countries. It istherefore, on that ground alone, deprived of many of theadvantages which attach to professions. One of its greatestmisfortunes arises from this circumstance; for the subjects onwhich it is conversant are so difficult, and require suchunremitted devotion of time, that few who have not spent years intheir study can judge of the relative Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.

knowledge of those whopursue them. It follows, therefore, that the public, and eventhat men of sound sense and discernment, can scarcely find meansto distinguish between the possessors of knowledge, in thepresent day, merely elementary, and those whose acquirements areof the highest order. 

This remark applies with peculiar force toall the more difficult applications of mathematics; and the factis calculated to check the energies of those who only look toreputation in England.As there exists with us no peculiar class professedly devoted toscience, it frequently happens that when a situation, requiringfor the proper fulfilment of its duties considerable scientificattainments, is vacant, it becomes necessary to select from amongamateurs, or rather from among persons whose chief attention hasbeen bestowed on other subjects, and to whom science has beenonly an occasional pursuit. Office 2007 key is very convenient!

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