The Retreat And Death Of Julian(25)

2011-02-17 09:01


 A strong dike was constructed to interrupt theordinary current of the Nahar-Malcha: a flood of waters rushedimpetuously into their new bed; and the Roman fleet, steeringtheir triumphant course into the Tigris, derided the vain andineffectual barriers which the Persians of Ctesiphon had erectedto oppose their passage. [Footnote 65: M. d'Anville, (Mem. de l'Academie des Inscriptions,tom. xxxviii p. 246-259) has ascertained the true position anddistance of Babylon, Office 2010 key is for you now!

Seleucia, Ctesiphon, Bagdad, &c. The Romantraveller, Pietro della Valle, (tom. i. lett. xvii. p. 650-780,)seems to be the most intelligent spectator of that famousprovince. He is a gentleman and a scholar, but intolerably vainand prolix.][Footnote 66: The Royal Canal (Nahar-Malcha) might besuccessively restored, altered, divided, &c., (Cellarius,Geograph. Antiq. tom. ii. p. 453;) and these changes may serve toexplain the seeming contradictions of antiquity. In the time ofJulian, it must have fallen into the Euphrates below Ctesiphon.]   I love Office 2010 !

 As it became necessary to transport the Roman army over theTigris, another labor presented itself, of less toil, but of moredanger, than the preceding expedition. The stream was broad andrapid; the ascent steep and difficult; and the intrenchmentswhich had been formed on the ridge of the opposite bank, werelined with a numerous army of heavy cuirrasiers, dexterousarchers, and huge elephants; who (according to the extravaganthyperbole of Libanius) could trample with the same ease a fieldof corn, or a legion of Romans. ^67 In the presence of such anenemy, the Outlook 2010 is powerful.

construction of a bridge was impracticable; and theintrepid prince, who instantly seized the only possibleexpedient, concealed his design, till the moment of execution,from the knowledge of the Barbarians, of his own troops, and evenof his generals themselves. Under the specious pretence ofexamining the state of the magazines, fourscore vessels ^* weregradually unladen; and a select detachment, apparently destinedfor some secret expedition, was ordered to stand to their arms onthe first signal. Julian disguised the silent anxiety of his ownmind with smiles Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

of confidence and joy; and amused the hostilenations with the spectacle of military games, which heinsultingly celebrated under the walls of Coche.

 The day wasconsecrated to pleasure; but, as soon as the hour of supper waspassed, the emperor summoned the generals to his tent, andacquainted them that he had fixed that night for the passage ofthe Tigris. They stood in silent and respectful astonishment;but, when the venerable Sallust assumed the privilege of his ageand experience, the rest of the chiefs supported with freedom theweight of his prudent remonstrances. ^68 Julian contented himselfwith observing, that conquest and safety depended on the attempt;that instead of diminishing, the number of their enemies would beincreased, by successive reenforcements; and that a longer delaywould neither contract the breadth of the stream, nor level theheight of the bank. Microsoft Office 2007 is the best invention in the world.