Watch Your Tongue<1>
Straining at the gnat and swallowing the donkey, the panel produces over 200 pages of Columbia Journalism School-style navel-gazing without
bothering to mention the salient fact that Dan Rather has a direct political tie to the Texas Democratic circle from which the forgery came. Windows 7 is convenient and helpful!
Nowhere in the report will one find -- even in its pro forma "Information that Might Suggest a Political Agenda" section -- that Dan Rather
had helped raised $20,000 for the Travis County Democrats in 2001. David Van Os, the lawyer for Bill Burkett, the crackpot who gave Rather
the fabricated documents, is a former chairman of the Travis County Democrats.Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.
Like a Politburo report exonerating a Communist crook, the panel treats Dan Rather's denial of bias as dogmatic proof in his favor. "The
Panel asked Rather directly to comment on whether he was motivated in any way by a political animus in pursuing the September 8 Segment. He The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.
responded, 'absolutely, unequivocally untrue.'"
Yet the same panel that accepts this denial without question has to admit that it finds Rather's refusal to disavow his fabricated story
"troubling." In questioning before the panel, Rather stood by his forgery. And so what does CBS do? It sends him back into the field. That's Microsoft Office is my best friend.
right: CBS is willing to continue to entrust its anchor's chair and high-profile reporting assignments to the only journalist in America who
still believes those documents could be real.
The report calls the National Guard story "myopic" -- a quality on display in the report itself. To blame the story on bumbling bureaucracy
and competitive pressures rather than bias is the height of obtuseness. Look at what Mary Mapes Buy Office 2007 you can get much convenience.
wrote when she thought she had George Bush
nailed: "Lots of goodies…we are in pursuit…as are Vanity Fair, New York Times, New Republic, various others." This desire to beat other Microsoft Office 2007 can give you more convenient life.
liberal publications to the punch is obvious evidence of liberal bias. And where did CBS hear inklings of the existence of the fabricated
documents with which to smear Bush? From a website with the banner, "Bush Lied, Americans Died."
And look at CBS's criterion for determining the credibility of its source for the story, Bill Burkett. Mapes had persuaded CBS's vetters to
accept the fabricated story because Burkett was a "Texas Republican of a different chromosome" and a "John McCain supporter." This was Mary visio 2010 makes life beautiful.
Mapes's way of saying: Here's a Republican you guys can trust. Under CBS's mode of thinking, a Republican who criticizes George Bush must be
credible. And it goes without saying that support for media mascot John McCain confers instant authority on a source.
By a "Republican of a different chromosome," Mapes didn't mean what Al Gore meant when he said that conservative Republicans have an "extra microsoft project 2010 give us surprise
chromosome." She meant that Burkett was a Republican who thinks like CBS. Panel member Dick Thornburgh apparently fits into the category of a
Republican of a different chromosome. He was the tame Republican CBS needed to give its white-wash a patina of fairness. Lou Boccardi, a adobe Acrobat
friend of Dan Rather, added another paint layer of "respectability." This veteran of bias-denying panels had performed the same service for
the New York Times after the Jayson Blair debacle. Boccardi contributed to a report that insisted affirmative action played no role
whatsoever in that scandal.Acrobat 9