Wednesday's Headline: GOP Keeps House Majority<6>

2011-01-17 14:16


TAS contributing editor Jed Babbin is the author of Inside the Asylum: Why the UN and Old Europe Are Worse Than You Think (Regnery, 2004)

and, with Edward Timperlake, Showdown: Why China Wants War With the United States Office 2007 makes life great!

(Regnery, 2006)

The fact is that the American electorate leans center-right, not center-left. Just last week a new CNN poll showed that 54 percent of

Americans think government is too big and tries to do too much, versus only 37 percent who felt Microsoft Office 2007 is welcomed by the whole world.

the opposite. And polls consistently show

more Americans hold right-leaning cultural views than not. As the center-right party, therefore, the Republicans still enjoy an edge on the

basic level of the electorate's overall world-view.

Penultimately, there are two GOP advantages that help Republicans fight against the otherwise Windows 7 is inexpensive and helpful.

toxic political environment. The first is that

the public (according to a recent poll) is finally beginning to realize just how strong the economy is. With unemployment at a near-

incredible low of 4.4 percent, inflation tame at 2.3 percent, personal net worth up, wages starting Microsoft outlook is convenient!

to rise, interest rates at levels that

are by historical standards quite solid, home values at near-record highs, home ownership at near-record highs, the stock market at record

highs while the percentage of the public owning stock is at near-record highs (more than 50%), and gasoline prices dropping, the economy is a

true modern marvel -- especially when compared to the stagnant economies of western Europe, with some of those countries suffering Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

unemployment rates above 10 percent.

Second, there is Karl Rove's vaunted organizational genius and the unparalleled voter turnout machine that he and Republican National

Committee chairman Ken Mehlman have built. In close race after close race, that turnout machine Outlook 2010 is powerful.

should prove the difference in favor of

Republican candidates.

Finally, for both the House and the Senate, the events of the past week have all broken in favor of Republicans. First came the idiotic slur

against our troops by Democratic standard-bearer John Kerry. Then came the new unemployment numbers, which are spectacular. Then came the

conviction of Saddam Hussein. And all this on top of a New York Times story that had the unintended (unintended by the Times, that is) adobe Acrobat

consequence of confirming that when we liberated Iraq, Saddam Hussein was within not much more than a single, short year of achieving nuclear

fission capability.

All of this analysis, granted, has been at the macro level. Space does not permit a race-by-race microsoft visio 2010 changes our life

analysis, but this author has indeed done

such analysis at significant depth. That micro-analysis confirms the macro-analysis, namely that the House hangs right in the balance, but

that it by no means will amount to an utter wipeout of Republicans. When all is said and done, come January, Republicans will indeed control

the "people's House" by a single vote.

You read it here project 2010

What could be more fun on election night than witnessing America's faux conservatives punished for their domestic overspending and foreign

overreach? How about the Invisible Woman of the 2006 campaign, Nancy Pelosi, stranded on her liberal beachhead, her gaze fixed upon a

Speaker's gavel that lies within her reach but beyond her grasp?

The latter image constitutes both the nightmare Democratic scenario and a Republican wet dream. project 2010

It also illustrates my think tank's

projection that Republicans will retain control of the House of Representatives by the razor-slim margin of a single seat.


TAS contributing editor Jed Babbin is the author of Inside the Asylum: Why the UN and Old Europe Are Worse Than You Think (Regnery, 2004)

and, with Edward Timperlake, Showdown: Why China Wants War With the United States Office 2007 makes life great!

(Regnery, 2006)

The fact is that the American electorate leans center-right, not center-left. Just last week a new CNN poll showed that 54 percent of

Americans think government is too big and tries to do too much, versus only 37 percent who felt Microsoft Office 2007 is welcomed by the whole world.

the opposite. And polls consistently show

more Americans hold right-leaning cultural views than not. As the center-right party, therefore, the Republicans still enjoy an edge on the

basic level of the electorate's overall world-view.

Penultimately, there are two GOP advantages that help Republicans fight against the otherwise Windows 7 is inexpensive and helpful.

toxic political environment. The first is that

the public (according to a recent poll) is finally beginning to realize just how strong the economy is. With unemployment at a near-

incredible low of 4.4 percent, inflation tame at 2.3 percent, personal net worth up, wages starting Microsoft outlook is convenient!

to rise, interest rates at levels that

are by historical standards quite solid, home values at near-record highs, home ownership at near-record highs, the stock market at record

highs while the percentage of the public owning stock is at near-record highs (more than 50%), and gasoline prices dropping, the economy is a

true modern marvel -- especially when compared to the stagnant economies of western Europe, with some of those countries suffering Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

unemployment rates above 10 percent.

Second, there is Karl Rove's vaunted organizational genius and the unparalleled voter turnout machine that he and Republican National

Committee chairman Ken Mehlman have built. In close race after close race, that turnout machine Outlook 2010 is powerful.

should prove the difference in favor of

Republican candidates.

Finally, for both the House and the Senate, the events of the past week have all broken in favor of Republicans. First came the idiotic slur

against our troops by Democratic standard-bearer John Kerry. Then came the new unemployment numbers, which are spectacular. Then came the

conviction of Saddam Hussein. And all this on top of a New York Times story that had the unintended (unintended by the Times, that is) adobe Acrobat

consequence of confirming that when we liberated Iraq, Saddam Hussein was within not much more than a single, short year of achieving nuclear

fission capability.

All of this analysis, granted, has been at the macro level. Space does not permit a race-by-race microsoft visio 2010 changes our life

analysis, but this author has indeed done

such analysis at significant depth. That micro-analysis confirms the macro-analysis, namely that the House hangs right in the balance, but

that it by no means will amount to an utter wipeout of Republicans. When all is said and done, come January, Republicans will indeed control

the "people's House" by a single vote.

You read it here project 2010

What could be more fun on election night than witnessing America's faux conservatives punished for their domestic overspending and foreign

overreach? How about the Invisible Woman of the 2006 campaign, Nancy Pelosi, stranded on her liberal beachhead, her gaze fixed upon a

Speaker's gavel that lies within her reach but beyond her grasp?

The latter image constitutes both the nightmare Democratic scenario and a Republican wet dream. project 2010

It also illustrates my think tank's

projection that Republicans will retain control of the House of Representatives by the razor-slim margin of a single seat.