
Decline of Science in England(9)

2011-02-23 11:33
  The ESPRIT DE CORPS frequently overpowers thejealousy which exists between individuals, and pushes on toadvantageous situations some of the more fortunate of theprofession; whilst, on the other hand, any injury or insultoffered to the weakest, is redressed or resented by the...

Decline of Science in England(8)

2011-02-23 11:32
   including Physiology and Comparative Anatomy.Botany, including Vegetable Physiology and Anatomy.One of the great advantages of such a system would be, that noyoung person would have an excuse for not studying, by stating,as is most frequently done, that the only pursuits followed...

Decline of Science in England(7)

2011-02-23 11:31
  A young man passes fromour public schools to the universities, ignorant almost of theelements of every branch of useful knowledge; and at these latterestablishments, formed originally for instructing those who areintended for the clerical profession, classical and mathematicalpursuits Office...

Decline of Science in England(6)

2011-02-23 11:30
  What I have done rests on my own head;and I shrink not from the responsibility attaching to it.If those, whose mismanagement of that Society I condemn, shouldaccuse me of hostility to the Royal Society; my answer is, thatthe party which governs it is not the Royal Society; and that Iwill...

The Retreat And Death Of Julian(27)

2011-02-17 09:03
   The five vessels selected for this service wereremarkably large and strong provision transports. The strengthof the fleet remained with Julian to carry over the army - M.] [Footnote 68: Libanius alludes to the most powerful of thegenerals.  I have ventured to name...

The Retreat And Death Of Julian(26)

2011-02-17 09:02
   The signal was instantly given, and obeyed;the most impatient of the legionaries leaped into five vesselsthat lay nearest to the bank; and as they plied their oars withintrepid diligence, they were lost, after a few moments, in thedarkness of the night. A flame arose on the...

The Retreat And Death Of Julian(25)

2011-02-17 09:01
   A strong dike was constructed to interrupt theordinary current of the Nahar-Malcha: a flood of waters rushedimpetuously into their new bed; and the Roman fleet, steeringtheir triumphant course into the Tigris, derided the vain andineffectual barriers which the Persians of Ctesiphon had...

The Retreat And Death Of Julian(24)

2011-02-17 09:00
   The name and glory of the adjacentSeleucia were forever extinguished; and the only remainingquarter of that Greek colony had resumed, with the Assyrianlanguage and manners, the primitive appellation of Coche. Cochewas situate on the western side of the Tigris; but it Office 2010...

The Retreat And Death Of Julian(23)

2011-02-17 08:57
   As it becomes an emperor who has filled the first rankamong men, I am prepared to die, standing; and to despise aprecarious life, which, every hour, may depend on an accidentalfever. If I have been found unworthy of the command, there arenow among you, (I speak it with pride and...

CoinManage 2011 v11.0.1

2011-02-08 09:17
  CoinManage 2011 v11.0.1 I spent a lot of searching to find a program, really too good, I've found your software is quite simply the best for the money and the collector! .. great software, thanks for your help.Microsoft Office is inexpensive and helpful. Save countless hours of boring data...
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